If you love the idea of being able to travel virtually with others, this could be the app to watch. Wooorld (that’s three o’s) is looking to create a Google Earth VR experience that includes multiple people being able to enjoy it together. You can play with other people in the same room or across the internet with social features like customizable avatars and voice chat.

Details are a bit scant at this point, but it seems to take the approach of seeing the city in miniature instead of the full immersion of walking within it, but at this point it’s just too early to tell. Initial description states that it will support both VR and AR. We don’t usually cover AR on VR Voyaging, but it has its place too. AR (Augmented Reality) was popularized in the game Pokémon Go a few years ago. Though that involved looking through a phone’s camera, the same technique can also work with a headset with the right cameras. Popular AR experiences include placing Amazon items into your home to see how they look and overlaying GPS directions onto actual streets.

The images they’ve shared seem to indicate this is much more than just browsing maps together. They show dropping 3d models into the map at real size, free-form drawing anywhere, and creating various types of paths and camera angles to create tours.

For now, we don’t know the full feature set, or when possible release could be, but it looks like something worth following. We’ll provide updates as we learn more.